Christian Answers for Hard Times

Christian Answers for Hard Times

In a Time magazine article dated 29 March 2020, Professor N. T. Wright addressed the issue of Christianity’s response to catastrophes such as the current COVID-19 epidemic. The title of the article, “Christianity Offers No Answers About the Coronavirus. It’s Not Supposed To,” indicates his perspective. The article implies that sometimes bad things happen for which there are no explanations, and Christianity’s proper response is simply to sit back and silently let things play themselves out. Christians, who themselves are experiencing the difficulties, may sympathize with others who are going through the hard times, but don’t really have a resolution to the problem—they shouldn’t even look for one.

Important Church Updates in Response to COVID-19

Important Church Updates in Response to COVID-19

Last week, I wrote about our approach to the coronavirus, more specifically known as COVID-19 (read it here). While we were not under government mandate to restrict our own gatherings, that has just changed. As of last night (March 17th), the health officer of Imperial County has prohibited all gatherings of over 50 people, with a strong recommendation against any gatherings even under 50. You can find a link to the officially released statement here (see points #1 and #17 specifically). The mandate is effective from Friday, March 20th through Tuesday, March 31st. In addition, as most of you are undoubtedly aware, local public schools were also closed through April 17 (read it about here).

Our Approach to the Coronavirus

Our Approach to the Coronavirus

Your WABC church leaders and family have been closely monitoring the development of COVID-19, known more generally as the coronavirus. We desire to take appropriate precautions out of love for one another, while also encouraging each other and ourselves to put our hope and trust fully in the Risen Savior, Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13). Please read on for our approach to this new situation we’re facing.