Every week we get together to encourage one another through community and exploring the Bible together. Building one another up and looking to what God has revealed about Himself is crucial for our growth as believers. Here are brief descriptions of our weekly opportunities for adult ministry and fellowship.

Prayer Meeting

Friday mornings, 8:30am, Room 29

Prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s walk. The Apostle Paul specifically instructed, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit… be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). Our prayer meetings typically begin with a devotional from God’s Word followed by Q&A session with Pastor Ekkie before devoting ourselves to our time of prayer. A church prayer list is maintained that consists of prayers identified from Sunday service along with any other prayers collected during the week. We welcome all to join us in this very important ministry.

Mid-Week Bible Study

Wednesday evenings, 6:15-7:30pm, Room 29

While AWANA is happening, we have a special Bible Study for adults that begins with songs of praise and a shared time of prayer, followed by the main lesson provided by resident Bible teacher, Terry Norris. These lessons are very in-depth, with Terry often complementing his teaching of Scripture with an explanation of historical context and insights from the original languages.

Men Discipling Men

First and third Saturday mornings of each month, 7-9am, Room 29

God calls for men to rise up and act as protecters and leaders of the church. However, strength comes through the discipleship within the body of Christ. Led by Pastor Ekkie Tepsupornchai, this Bible Study is geared to help men grow uniquely in God’s calling for them with the help, counsel and encouragement of other men. They are currently reading through the book, Disciplines of a Godly Man, by R. Kent Hughes. However, even if you are new and/or joining late, we encourage you to come and benefit from the fellowship and rich discussions that take place.

Women Discipling Women

Third Tuesday and Saturday mornings of each month, 9-11am

Women are joint heirs in Christ along with men. However, women are called to fulfill different, yet equally vital, roles within the family and church. Led by Alice Tepsupornchai, this Bible Study is geared to help women grow uniquely in God’s calling for them with the help, counsel and encouragement of other women. They are currently reading through the book, God’s Priorities for Today’s Woman: Discovering His Plan for You, by Lisa Hughes. However, even if you are new and/or joining late, we encourage you to come and benefit from the fellowship and rich discussions that take place. The meeting is offered on both Tuesday and Saturday in order to accommodate the different schedules. Thus, attending both days is not necessary.


Men’s Discipleship Book for 2019-20


Women’s Discipleship

Book for 2019-20